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  2. Mileage Options & Overages

Mileage Plans, Overages, and Boosts

Roam has a limit of how many KMs you can drive which varies from plan to plan. Here is what you need to know about our mileage options.

Mileage Plans

Here are the mileage levels we available based on the type of plan you have:


Vehicle Type


 2,000 KMs (monthly plans only)

 Non-Luxury & Luxury

$0.00 / month

 3,000 KMs (monthly plans only) 


$99.00+hst / month

 3,000 KMs (monthly plans only) 


$129.00+hst / month

750 KMs (weekly plans only)

Non-Luxury & Luxury


1,000 KMs (weekly plans only)

Non-Luxury & Luxury

$150.00+hst / week

Mileage Boosts, How They Work

  • Boosts are one-time non-recurring charges used only when you have already paid the additional costs to upgrade your mileage plan (see above chart)
  • Boosts must be purchased before you run out of mileage, it’s cheaper to buy the additional mileage ahead of time than pay the penalty later
  • You can buy up to 5 boosts maximum per subscription 
  • Boosts are only eligible for MONTHLY plans

Mileage Boost Pricing


 Vehicle Type

 Cost of Boost

 Total Cost w Taxes

 1,000 KM top up




 1,000 KM top up




Mileage Overage Penalties

Below is a chart outlining the cost per KM driven above the mileage allowance/purchased:

 Overage Cost

 Vehicle Type

 $0.35c / KM over


 $0.47c / KM over


This fee is applied per KM if the maximum amount of mileage that can be provided has been exceeded

Questions? Speak with a Roam team member by emailing support@roam.auto